Serbia Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control Project - Serbia

Bidding Source - Tenders & Procurement


The Republic of Serbia

Serbia Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control Project


Loan No. 96040-YF

Project ID No. P180619


The Republic of Serbia received financing in the amount of EUR 70,700,000 equivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of the Serbia Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services to be procured under this Project. (Tenders Information)


The project consists of five components:

The three main components include activities aiming to: (i) improve competence and accountability of health care providers; (ii) increase access to and availability of health services; and (iii) strengthen quality of clinical services and public health measures. Digital solutions will be integrated into all components to facilitate effective delivery of intended outcomes. The fourth component supports Project management, monitoring and evaluation, while the fifth component provides flexibility to respond in the event of a crisis or emergency (Contingency Emergency Response Component).


Component 1: Improving Provider Competence and Accountability

This component supports improvements in the competence of doctors and nurses working at the primary health care (PHC) level in prevention and management of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), strengthening organization and capacity of PHC facilities to provide patient management by joint teams of GPs and specialists, strengthening payment models for outpatient, inpatient and palliative care to improve provider accountability for results, establishment of palliative care capacities for patients with NCDs, improvement of pre-hospital medical emergency service, establishment of telemedicine services, and optimization of medical records keeping and reporting. Expanding the scope of most needed NCDs services at PHC level, improving access to diagnostic services and consultations of PHC doctors and specialists, and development of telemedicine will improve equity and lessen the financial burden for patients seeking health care.


Component 2: Increasing Availability of Services

This component supports upgrading health care infrastructure to improve availability of diagnostic and treatment services, with focus on expanding access for people living in rural and remote areas. The component finances equipment, infrastructure improvements and mobile vehicles for PHC, procurement of cancer diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for hospitals, construction of a specialized hospital for children suffering from diabetes.


Component 3: Strengthening Quality of Public Health and Clinical Services

This component supports targeted communication, outreach, and campaigns to increase cancer screening and strengthen health education and health literacy, research to improve quality of NCDs prevention (including during extreme climate events), development of the national programs for prevention and control of key NCDs, good clinical practice guidelines and clinical pathways for NCDs, rollout and utilization of the quality indicators information system, development and implementation of the plans for continuous improvement of the quality of health care at national and facility level, and training of vulnerable population and Roma health mediators on NCDs prevention. The component finances equipment, renovation of pharmacy premises, software development, implementation of standard operation procedure, and training of staff to introduce a system of centralized preparation of cytotoxic drugs in tertiary hospitals.


Component 4: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation

This component will support routine project management, including coordination of technical activities in all components, fiduciary, audits of the Project financial statements, environmental and social compliance, and regular monitoring of and reporting on implementation. Monitoring the implementation of the proposed reforms, including potential unintended consequences, will be supported under this component. The existing PCU of the MoH for the ongoing Serbia Emergency COVID-19 Response Project will be responsible for the coordination of Project activities, as well as fiduciary tasks of procurement and financial management.


Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response Component

The objective of this component is to improve the Government’s response capacity in the event of an emergency. It would support a rapid response to a request for urgent assistance in case of an event that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact associated with natural or man-made crises or disasters. In such a case, funds would be reallocated from other components to finance goods and consulting services.


Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (September 2023) (Procurement Regulations), and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations.


The World Bank has arranged the publication on its external website of the agreed initial Procurement Plan and all subsequent updates upon providing a no objection.


Specific procurement notices (SPN)  (Online Tenders)for contracts subject to open international competitive procurement will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business online, on the World Bank’s external website and the Client’s website: and Politika daily (newspaper of national circulation).


Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services for the above-mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address provided below:


Serbia Emergency COVID-19 Response Project / Serbia Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control Project

Project Coordination Unit

Ms. Žana Cvetković, Procurement Specialist

Dom zdravlja Savski venac

Pasterova 1, 11000 Belgrade,

Republic of Serbia

Fax: +381 11 36 06 401

E-mail: [email protected]

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